Contact Us

Contact Us

1175 S. Grove Rd, Ypsilanti, 48198


Write Us a Line

We're delighted to connect with you. Whether you have questions, want to get involved, or simply need support, our doors and hearts are open to you.

What To Expect On Your Visit to NLBBC


Please follow the driveway to the rear of the church building where you will find ample, convenient parking. Feel free to drop off any family members or friends at the front door before proceeding to park.


From the parking lot, follow the walkway up to the building and enter though the door marked “Entrance”.

What To Expect

Upon entering the building you will be welcomed by one of our friendly Greeters who will give you a bulletin (includes order of service and information). First time visitors are asked to stop at the Welcome Table (in the same foyer). There a friendly Greeter will help you with directions to the Sunday School Classes, Nursery, Restroom, Sanctuary and answer any questions you may have. They will give you a Connection Card, which we would like you to fill out and place in the Offering Plate as it is passed down your row. If you have any prayer requests, please write those on the back of the card. You will also be given a brochure on NLBBC and its ministries. We are a church that encourages people to get involved in ministries that are of interest to you.

Our Sunday Morning Worship Service last approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, and includes a few songs, Bible reading, announcements, offering, and of course the preaching of the Word. The preaching portion lasts around 40-45 minutes. We do give an invitation at the end if people desire to come and pray at the altar, or right in their pew as The Holy Spirit leads them. Our Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services are both an hour in length.
I pray your visit with us is enjoyable, and any spiritual needs you may have are me